Please refer to the checklist below prior to uploading your mixes. If you have any questions or concerns about exporting or uploading your mixes, let us know and we’ll help out.
When booking a session, you will be asked for a tracklist outlining the running order and track titles as they will appear across distribution channels. If the vinyl or the CD is going to sport a different sequencing/running order than the digital release, please let us know when you book a session.
In addition, you will have the opportunity to request metadata to be embedded in your production masters. You may also opt to revise the metadata with your distributor after mastering. If requested, metadata will be embedded based on the information provided when you book a session, so double-check that your content has been entered correctly.
If you have alternate versions of your main mixes (Instrumental, Radio Edit, etc.) that require mastering, please label them according to the guidelines below and add the correct number of alternate mixes to your delivery when you book a session.
Please feel free to include a demo-mastered “reference” version of your track if you’ve been listening to a louder (maximized/limited) version of the mix — this helps us get a better idea of what you’re used to hearing.
Please send us .WAV, .AIFF, or .DSF/DFF* files at the sample rate at which they were recorded at the highest bit depth possible. These files must be ORIGINAL .WAV, .AIFF, or DSF/DFF files, not having been converted from mp3, wma, or any other compressed filetype.
Files must have at least a wee bit of headroom before clipping, meaning that the highest peaks in your stereo .WAV or . AIFF file must not exceed -0.1 db.
Remove any loudness or limiting plugins from your main output unless you are 100% committed to the way that they sound. If you mix into loudness or maximization/limiting plugins, a mixbus compressor and/or EQ, leave it on. If you’re unsure, send us one mix with the processing engaged and one with it bypassed.
Files should be labeled in a similar manner to the guidelines provided and if possible, should be zipped into one single file in order to provide protection against data corruption during file transfer.
All set? Upload your mixes to WeTransfer, Google Drive, Dropbox, or your preferred file hosting site and include the link in your project details when you Book A Session. Alternatively, you may request a link for private file transfer when you book a session.
*We support Direct Stream Digital as a final mix and final master format. When we receive DSD mix files (file extension .dsf or .dff), we integrate the high resolution files directly into the mastering process, ensuring that there is no unnecessary conversion from DSD to PCM prior to distribution. That way, when you receive final production masters, the PCM files are derived from the DSF master, which sports the highest possible resolution for playback at DSD 11.2 MHz (DSD256), DSD 5.6 MHz (DSD128), or DSD 2.8 MHz (DSD64).
Labeling guidelines for file transfer